For Individuals with Brain Injury, Caregivers, Supports

ACBIS Fundamentals

Learn about ACBIS Fundamentals here:

Developed by experienced clinicians and rehabilitation professionals, Brain Injury Fundamentals is an all-new training and certificate program designed to address the unique needs and challenges of those who care for or encounter individuals with brain injury. This includes non-licensed direct care staff persons, facility staff, family members and friends, first responders, and others in the community. The mandatory training course covers essential topics such as:

  • Cognition
  • Guidelines for interacting and building rapport
  • Brain injury and behavior
  • Medical complications
  • Safe medication management
  • Families coping with brain injury

The course is grounded in adult learning principles, maximizing participant engagement and application through an interactive workbook. Using real-life scenarios to anchor the course concepts, participants learn about the challenges people face following brain injury and the types of support they need. This essential program will help candidates understand different types of behavior, manage medication safely, and provide support to families and friends.

Craig Hospital Brain Injury Resources

Craig Hospital in Denver, Colorado, is a world-renowned rehabilitation hospital that exclusively specializes in the neurorehabilitation and research of patients with brain injury (BI) and spinal cord injury (SCI). Craig is a not-for-profit, free-standing, national center of excellence that has treated more than 34,500 patients with BI and SCI since 1956. Learn more about Craig Hospital at

Craig has an extensive BI resource and video library. Access our BI resource library at Visit our YouTube page at

Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation- Web-based TBI Training Modules with CEUs available

Training modules with CEUs available:

The following web-based modules developed for health care and social service providers are available at These modules are appropriate for anyone who works with or cares for individuals who have experienced TBI.  For those who wish to learn about TBI to meet their employer’s expectations or for personal/professional growth there is no charge for completing modules. If you wish to earn continuing education credit there is a $20 per module fee.

Please note: If you do not wish to obtain CEUs, the TBI Identification Method (OSU TBI-ID) training module may also be viewed on this site

Anger and Frustration after Brain Injury

Watch Video Interviews with Leading Experts in the Field of Anger and Irritation after Brain Injury:

Opioid and Brain Injury Resources

Click here or click specific publications below:

I. E-Book: Prescribing Opioids for TBI Patients 

II. Brain Injury and Opioid Overdose Infographic  

III. VA Opioid and TBI Recommendations  

IV. Risk-Factor Checklist  

V. Available Local Accommodations 

VI. Repository of Resources from Outside Agencies

VII. Patient Transfer Handout

VIII. Alternative Pain Management Strategies

IX. TBI Documentary Videos

X.  Outpatient Opioid De-escalation Recommendations

XI. Local Accommodations list  

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