Unmasking Brain Injury
What: “Unmasking Brain Injury”: This is an activity to celebrate March at Brain Injury Awareness month and bring awareness to this important, yet often
invisible “silent epidemic”.
When: Tuesday, March 13, 2018 at 6:30 pm
Where: Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana- 4141 Shore Drive, Indianapolis, IN
We will be taking blank white masks and using all different types of art and everyday materials to decorate them to represent ourselves. Each survivor and caregiver will hand-make a mask to represent themselves and create masks that tell their story — of what it’s like to live with a brain injury.
The project is to give participants a sense of purpose and create an expressive outlet and opportunity to use fine motor skills as well as cognitive skills. It is also meant to be a healing process done through storytelling and that has a meaningful therapeutic impact.
We plan to put our masks “on tour” with the national project (see more information below) and take a picture of each mask alongside of the story of the individual that created the mask. That way, Indiana brain injury survivors can be represented “on tour” across the nation!
Please contact or 317.329.2235 for more information on this event.
*Unmasking Brain Injury is a public awareness project Hinds’ Feet Farm. The mission of Unmasking Brain Injury is to demonstrate the prevalence of brain injury. They aim to give survivors a voice and the means to educate others of what it’s like to live with a brain injury. They also want to show others that people living with a disability due to their brain injury are like anyone else, and are deserving of dignity, respect, compassion. You can find out more about this association by going to www.unmaskingbraininjury.org.