IU School of Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana researchers are looking for looking for people with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) participate in a research study on understanding health and wellness after brain injury. The purpose of this study is to learn what factors are influencing health and wellness after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to use this information to create treatments that will hopefully improve quality of life for people with TBI.
If you are eligible and agree to participate there will be two parts to study participation. In part I, a research assistant will interview participants to collect information about the participant’s demographics and relevant medical history via phone, a videoconference call or in person. Next, participants will independently complete an electronic or paper survey about their health and wellness. This will take approximately 30-60 minutes.
You may be eligible if you:
- Have had a traumatic brain injury.
- Had your brain injury at least 12 months ago (or longer).
- Are 18 years of age or older.
You will be compensated for your time.
If you would like to participate or have questions, please use the link below to provide your contact information to the study team. A team member may contact you to schedule the telephone screen.
If you have any questions or need help, we encourage you to please contact the InterFACE Center at 317-329-2380, INTERFAC@IUPUI.EDU, or scan the QR code with your mobile device for more information.
Please contact The InterFACE Center at 317.329.2380 or interfac@iupui.edu